Saturday, May 8, 2010
Student achievement is mixed... so now what?
Friday, May 7, 2010
How Does Unionization Affect Charter Schools?
“…unionization effort raises questions about whether unions will strengthen the charter movement by stabilizing its young, often transient teaching force, or weaken it by preventing administrators from firing ineffective teachers and imposing changes they say help raise achievement, like an extended school year” (New York Times, July 26, 2009).
Among the reasons of one Chicago charter school teacher for opting to unionize were frustration with staff turnover, “lack of teacher input, with working longer and harder than teachers at other schools and earning less.” Additionally, some teachers note a sense of empowerment in unionizing.
Jay Greene, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute (April 16, 2009), holds the view that unionization does not have a positive affect on charter schools’ rates of academic achievement. “… students accepted by lottery at charters run by the school district with unionized teachers experienced no benefit.” He cites economist Caroline Hoxby’s work, which states that “students accepted by lottery to charter schools were significantly outpacing the academic progress of their peers who lost the lottery and were forced to return to district schools.” “When charter schools unionize, they become identical to traditional public schools in performance.”
It seems that those who see positive potential of unionization focus on consistency of the work force and its assumed benefits in terms of teacher’s voice and the stability provided within a school community. Those who argue against unionization do so based on concerns over academic success.
As unionization in charter schools continues to grow, further studies will have to be done to see what characteristics are present in schools (both charter and non-charter) that provide both stability and teacher empowerment as well as high academic achievement. I don’t believe that the answer to the question “To unionize, or not to unionize?” has to focus on one over the other.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Do NYC Charters Improve Performance?
The first is important because it addresses the the accusation placed on charter schools for separating African American and Hispanic students from Asian and Caucasian students. Hoxby finds this trend in New York City, based upon the location of the charter school, and is not an intentional result of the lottery process.
The second topic is important because, the lottery (which Hoxby finds to be truly random), works. Furthermore, if the lottery works then charter schools in New York City are performing their role be increasing student achievement for continuously enrolled students.
This finally begs the question: If charter schools are to co-exist with public schools, yet out perform public schools, what are the charters doing that the city can emulate?
To read this publication in full: How New York City's Charter Schools Affect Achievemnt
Categories of Charter Schools
My initial searching failed to uncover any comprehensive listing of different organizational forms running charter schools. Since New York state law (like law in nearly all other states) grants chartering authority to a variety of state and local institutions, it generally leaves open the question of what type body can receive such a charter. The chartering authorities examine each application individually, and though some restrict for-profit entities from receiving charters, they don't otherwise limit who can apply.
Working list of charter school models:
- Non-profit organization (ACORN, UFT, etc.)
- Independent university
- Non-profit school network (Harlem Children's Zone, Green Dot, Success Charter Network, etc)
- For-profit Education Management Companies (EMOs) - not allowed in NYC?
- Independent "mom-and-pop"
- The question of which chartering authorities are most effective is addressed in the report A Sum Greater Than the Parts: What States Can Teach Each Other About Charter Schooling (Mead and Rotherham).
- A list of New York City charter schools, along with their chartering authority, is available on the New York City Department of Education website.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
School Choice
Friedman's article can be found in Education Economics Dec 97, vol 5 issue 3, p 341, 4pages
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Our Plan
The product: A platform offering recommendations for policy issues affecting the current relationship between traditional schools and charter schools that create conflict or work harmoniously.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Charter School Association continues fight to raise cap in hopes of collecting federal cash
Teachers at NYC charter high school to join UFT
UFT operates two unionized charter schools, and co-operates a third UFT also represents educators at nine other charter schools |
Charter advocates block charter bill to shirk fairness, accountability
new restrictions on how charter schools are created and managed to make them more fair and transparent. Charter schools would have been required to admit and retain high-needs students. The bill would also have taken the power to approve charters away from the New York City schools chancellor and the board of trustees of the State University of New York. For-profit companies would have been prohibited from running the schools and charter schools would have been placed inside district public schools only if the parents of the students already attending those schools approve. |
Non-Partisan Analysis of Arizona’s Charter School Plan.
Arizona’s charter school plan has been called the “gold standard” for charter school plans. The plan has been ranked 1st for its policy environment by researchers, and has received an “A+” for financial audits. It is highly deregulated and includes a huge number of charter schools, the most per capita in the nation.
Is there a Difference Between For-Profit Versus Not-For-Profit Charter Schools?
The Qualifications and Classroom Performance of Teachers Moving to Charter Schools Little empirical research is available to help policy makers develop informed decisions regarding the educational value that for-profit schools provide to our students. This paper fills in part, for the first time in detail, this void. This paper uses a four year panel of charter schools from the state of Michigan and a random effects model that controls for student and district characteristics. Results indicate that for-profit charter schools have lower math test scores than not-for-profit charter schools. Interestingly, this result holds even when expenditure per pupil is controlled for. The analysis developed in this paper takes the debate one step further as well, and examines the role that the size of for-profit firms plays in the associated outcomes. |
The Qualifications and Classroom Performance of Teachers Moving to Charter Schools
Do charter schools draw good teachers from traditional, mainstream public schools? High rates of findings reveal 1997-2007 panel of all North Carolina public school teachers to examine the qualifications |
Local Demand for School Choice: Evidence from the Washington Charter School Referenda
Teacher Turnover in Charter Schools. 2009. Many U.S. states provide public funding for charter schools—deregulated and privately We find that low student achievement predicts Using precinct-level returns from three ballot referenda in |
Teacher Turnover in Charter Schools
This study examines how teacher turnover differs between charter and traditional public schools and seeks to identify factors that explain these differences. Using data from the National Center for Education Statistics’ (NCES) 2003-2004 Schools and Staffing Survey (SASS) and Teacher Follow-Up Survey (TFS), we found that 25% of charter school teachers turned over during the 2003-2004 school year, compared to 14% of traditional public school teachers. Our analysis confirms that much of the explanation of this “turnover gap” lies in differences in the types of teachers that charter schools and traditional public schools hire. The data lend minimal support to the claim that turnover is higher in charter schools because they are leveraging their flexibility in personnel policies to get rid of underperforming teachers. Rather, we found most of the turnover in charter schools is voluntary and dysfunctional as compared to that of traditional public school |